Reforestation and Rehabilitation of Degraded Area
MPOGCF is committed to its objective of encouraging and supporting reforestation programmes in line with the national agenda and further promoting the sustainability of the country’s forest resources.
Reforestation and Rehabilitation of Degraded Area
Programme Conservation of Degraded Forest in Forest Central Spine (CFS)
The 10-year replanting effort is aimed at restoring the orang utan habitat at Lower Kawag in the Ulu-Segama Malua Forest Reserve in Lahad Datu. Working closely with the Sabah Forestry Department, MPOGCF has allocated a total of RM28 million for the project. So far, 100,000 trees have been planted successfully and the tree-planting efforts will continue based on the schedule that has been set.
Conservation of Endangered Wildlife Biodiversity
Malayan Tiger Conservation Programme
MPOGCF already signed a MoU with PERHILITAN to collaborate in 5-years project to breed captive Malayan Tiger ex-situ in National Wildlife Rescue Centre (NWRC) then release the cubs to the wild after 3-years rewilding process in National Tiger Conservation Centre (MTCC).
Conservation of Endangered Wildlife Biodiversity
Borneo Elephant Sanctuary (BES)
MPOGCF, in collaboration with SSB, Sabah Wildlife Department and Universiti Putra Malaysia, is currently implementing a Napier grass (also known as elephant grass) cultivation project in the wildlife corridor concerned to encourage the wild elephants there to graze on the corridor instead of straying into the plantation area.It acts as a measure to reduce human-elephant conflicts as well as encourage humans and elephants to coexist in harmony.
Conservation of Endangered Wildlife Biodiversity
Funding of Wildlife Rescue Unit
MPOGCF hopes that this effort can protect wildlife and to support green conservation initiatives and programs. The signage will be installed at 145 selected collaborated with (PERHILITAN) to prevent road accidents.
Conservation of Endangered Wildlife Biodiversity
Biodiversity Conservation and Education Program
MPOGCF allocates funding of RM980,000 for this project which is the first botanic gardens conservation and education project to be fully sponsored by the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry.
Conservation of Endangered Wildlife Biodiversity
Sponsorship Bornean Orangutan Showcase at Zoo Negara
The Malaysian Palm Oil Green Conservation Foundation (MPOGCF) is sponsoring RM1.1 million to upgrade the Bornean Orang Utan Showcase at Zoo Negara in a move to promote national orang utan conservation initiatives.
Conservation Initiative and Best Sustainability Practice in Oil Palm Plantation
River of Life
TDMP’s sustainability initiatives, namely the “River of Life” and the “Living Together with Elephants” projects, following the MoU inked by the company and MPOGF as collaboration partners last year. The delegation led by MPOGCF General Manager Encik Zamakhshari Muhamad was warmly welcomed by TDMP Chief Executive Officer Encik Hamdan Ibrahim.
Conservation Initiative and Best Sustainability Practice in Oil Palm Plantation
Living Together in Elephants
MPOGCF is all set to promote the living in harmony concept in the peninsula with its first project, carried out in collaboration with TDM Plantation, involving oil palm plantations in Kemaman and Setiu in Terengganu.
It acts as a measure to reduce human-elephant conflicts as well as encourage humans and elephants to coexist in harmony.
Conservation Initiative and Best Sustainability Practice in Oil Palm Plantation
Support on HCV & Biodiversity Training to Smallholders
Malaysian Palm Oil Green Conservation Foundation (MPOGCF) in collaboration with Sime Darby Plantation (SDP) and the National Association of Smallholders of Malaysia (PKPKM).
The courses is about contribution to smallholders in raising awareness regarding biodiversity and HCV in oil palm plantations.
Conservation Initiative and Best Sustainability Practice in Oil Palm Plantation
Development of Peat Rehabilitation Model for Sarawak Region
Peatlands provide globally important ecosystem services through oil palm plantations or biodiversity conservation. Retain/create habitat wildlife corridors in areas of energy production and providing ‘connectivity’ for flora and fauna.
Research & NGO Funding Wildlife, Biodiversity and Sustainability
Napier Grass Planting as Wildlife Corridors for Elephant Conservation
MPOGCF with SSB, Sabah Wildlife Department and Universiti Putra Malaysia, is currently implementing a Napier grass (also known as elephant grass) cultivation project in the wildlife corridor concerned to encourage the wild elephants there to graze on the corridor instead of straying into the plantation area.
Research & NGO Funding Wildlife, Biodiversity and Sustainability
Guideline for Wildlife Friendly Plantation